Greetings and thank you for visiting the website of the Association of Black Social Workers.
The National Association of Black Social Workers was and is a group founded in the midst of our struggles to be a self-determining people. We advocate for social change, justice and human development of African people here in the Louisiana and throughout the world. Our membership reflects seasoned practitioners and students of African ancestry who continue the struggle for justice and freedom.
In addition to advocacy, support and continually seeking to uplift our people, our chapter provides critical training through our monthly education meetings and other venues. By members sharing our knowledge and educating our practitioners in the latest African Centered techniques, we improve services to those we serve.
Our Code of Ethics guide our actions and determines how we serve all people, with an emphasis on Black people, who historically have received the least from social service programs. NABSW has been in existence for 50 years! The impact upon critical services, keeping our eyes upon African Centered practices and thought; and facing the many and continual challenges confronting us, has been unyielding throughout our existence.
Continue to visit this site often, as it is the hub, for valuable information regarding NABSW and our activities.
Dr. Antwan Butler, LCSW-BACS
Jan 2022- Dec 2024
Dr. Antwan Butler, LCSW-BACS
Shurvella Hamilton, MSW
Vice President
Denine Toney-Jones, MSW
Corresponding Secretary
Audrey Hall, RSW
Carolyn McNeese, LCSW/ACSW
Assistant Treasurer
Bonita Creighton, MSW
Andrew Wilson, LCSW-BACS
President Emeritus